Cookie Cellars California Snickerdoodle.

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Cookie Cellars California Snickerdoodle.

SKU: 19-0305


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A close up of a wine glass that says "trust me you can dance -wine" next to a bottle of Cookie Cellars Red Velet on a kitchen table
A half empty bottle and two filled glasses of Cookie Cellars 2019 Sauvignon Blanc on a backyard porch ledge
A close up of a bottle of Cookie Cellars 2019 Sauvignon Blanc in front of some Christmas themed pre-baked cookies
An array of Cookie Cellars bottles displayed with their respective VintNotes during a Tasting
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The Original Sampler (Sparkling and Mixed Dry Wines)
The Explorer Sampler (Sparkling and Mixed Sweet and Dry Wines)
The Specialist Sampler (Sparkling and Off-Dry & Dry Reds)
The Romantic Sampler (Sparkling and Mixed Light, Off-Dry & Sweet)