Alex toasting during the filming of a monthly Wine Club video

A Year of Pours and Posts

We all have been turned upside down for the past two years. At the end of 2021 I reflected on some of my favorite Social Media posts. Hopefully you will find this content informative or entertaining. Warning: This could possibly even make you smile. Alex's Facebook posts about wine furniture and the Canary Islands We all spent more time at home cooking and experimenting. My wifeโ€™s students showed incredible skills with their culinary creations. We also try as much as possible to support our local restaurants that suffered a great deal. Instead of delicious wood fire pizza at the restaurant, we were getting the entire kit to bake at home. This was a fun and satisfying experience to create and bake with my kids. Alex's Facebook posts about basic flavors and grape varietals My wife must love me a lot. Even though she does not care much for the smell of cooked mushrooms, she gave me several mushroom growing kits. Beautiful to look at during their growth cycle, they were great in providing plenty of umami flavors for adding to pasta dishes and meat sauces. I did learn about those grapes that my local grocery store was selling. With many different shapes and flavor profiles, those โ€œnewโ€ grapes are outstanding. Alex's Facebook posts about wasps and yeast and about wine myths debunked I did not remember from my time at school that wasps had such an important role to play in many vineyards across the globe. I will swat carefully from now on. I did react to many articles spreading half truths about wine. I started this crusade of explaining and debunked some of manmade myths about wine. Love a good Bordeaux blend, a good sparkling and once in a while a good dessert wine. I was thrilled to learn of this new style that my local bottle shop was selling. And finally, I did my best to promote our wines and in particular this award-winning Artisan 5 Napa Valley Cabernet Sauvignon. Alex's Facebook posts about a new varietal in comic format and as tehe most interesting man in the world Welcome 2022, stay thirsty my friendsโ€ฆ
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The Original Sampler (Sparkling and Mixed Dry Wines)
The Explorer Sampler (Sparkling and Mixed Wines)
The Specialist Sampler (Sparkling and Off-Dry & Dry Reds)
The Romantic Sampler (Sparkling and Mixed Light, Off-Dry & Sweet)