Now's the Time to Plan Your Corporate & Office Gifting

Planning Your Corporate & Office Gifts

As we move into the fall season, it’s not too early to start making plans for holiday gifts for co-workers and business friends. Now's the time to plan your corporate & office gifting. Remember, the holidays start with Thanksgiving and last until New Year’s Day. Wine is a perfect gift for every occasion. Whether you're the boss, giving gifts to business associates and your direct reports, or you are part of an office team, great gift-giving can take some advanced planning and thought. Here are some tips to help you with your gift-giving strategy:   How to Start: Go through your inbox, LinkedIn network or address book and identify everyone you’ve done business with this year. What vendors or associates have helped make your business a success? What clients do you have? What clients would you like to have? Create a list of everyone you want to give a gift to, then categorize it. For instance:
  • Top clients and associates who deserve a big wow and thank you!
  • "From My Company to Yours" Gifts: Associates and business friends to whom you want to say, “Hello! Remember me? I’m thinking of you this holiday season!”
  • Staff & Special Vendor Gifts: Everyone who helps out all year deserves a special thank you and recognition.
  • Co-worker Gifts: That friend in the office or cube next to yours deserves a special holiday treat expressing warmth and friendship.
  VIP Gift Ideas   “From My Company to Yours” Gift Ideas -   "For the Home Office Team" Gift Ideas -
  • Say thank you to the home team with Personalized Wine – every department with their own special label! Split up the Case into single gifts and gift them along with a stylish gift bag.
  Co-worker Gift Ideas -
  • Consider the culture of where you work. Gifts should be appropriate to your particular office setting. A great bottle of artisan wine just might be the ticket. Consider a gift of stemware as well!
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The Original Sampler (Sparkling and Mixed Dry Wines)
The Explorer Sampler (Sparkling and Mixed Sweet and Dry Wines)
The Specialist Sampler (Sparkling and Off-Dry & Dry Reds)
The Romantic Sampler (Sparkling and Mixed Light, Off-Dry & Sweet)